To understand why 7 horse painting is lucky, we need to understand principes of Vastu Shastra.
Principles of VASTU SHASTRA help to convert energies in the surroundings into positive energy to benefit the resident of the house. Principles of Vastu Shastra, if implemented in the right way, result in happy and prosperous life. These principles at times use symbolic representations of deities or objects to bring positive energies at home. SEVEN HORSE RUNNING PICTURE is one such picture that can bring positive energies at home.
Before we get on to describe SEVEN HORSES, let us understand why number 7 is auspicious. The Rainbow has 7 Colors, Hinduism talks about 7 births, 7 oaths in Hindu wedding, 7 Oceans etc are few examples to explain importance of 7 number.
In Hinduism, Sun God (Surya)’ Chariot has 7 horses. Ever wondered why only 7? Why not 8 or 1? This is because, 7 horses represents 7 colors of light (VIBGYOR). The SUN GOD (Surya) is source of life on Earth. It gives energy and regulates our thinking process. A good thinking process leads to good decision which further leads to success and prosperity. Therefore, in Vastu it is advised to hang a painting of 7 Horses. An image of SUN along with the horses adds to the benefits.
The 7 horse painting is symbol of speed, Vitality and Power hence seven horses painting are often placed in the office for an early job promotion. It is believed that seven horse painting in your home results in financial stability in your life.
The horse is also a symbol of courage, endurance, and speed in Feng Shui. Hence, this painting is important as it brings fortune.
Where to place it?
It is advised to place 7 Horse Painting in North, East or North East. Some also advise in South direction for Success. But, if the 7 Horse Painting also depicts Sun, then hang such painting only in North, East or Noth East and not in South.
Following points should be noted and such 7 Horse paintings should be avoided
- Never ever hang a picture of a single horse in your home. To clarify, it is considered inauspicious and stops the wealth from entering your home.
- In the seven running horses painting, one should carefully see none of the horses has a rope tied on its back as it is also considered inauspicious.
- In the painting, the horses must not be running on water and the full image of the horse must be completely visible. Never hang the one in which the shoe of the horses is not visible.
- The horses in the painting must not be angry but should depict happiness and courage. Also, there should be symmetry in the galloping horses.
- In addition, hanging this picture in one’s study room, temple, bedroom, on the main door, or near the washrooms is not advisable.
- Never hang such painting at the main door facing outside, or near the entrance facing to the road. Do not hang it under stairway. It should not face store, washroom, toilet, kitchen, and pantry.

PAINTING TITLE: 7 HORSES OF THE SUN GOD (ORIGINAL PAINTING: 4'x2', Oil on canvas, Artist: Herendra Swarup)

PAINTING TITLE: 7 HORSE PAINTING (ORIGINAL PAINTING: 4'X2', Acrylic on canvas, Artist: Herendra Swarup)
